Pretty Athletic: Amy's Body Story Film

September 04, 2024

Pretty Athletic: Amy's Body Story Film

Imagine swimming in a lake for 28 hours straight. That's what Amy Ennion did when she became the 11th person to swim the 69km length of Lake Geneva in Switzerland.

At 6ft tall, she has the magnificently strong, statuesque body of the incredible ultra-endurance swimmer that she is. She can endure swimming in cold water without a wetsuit for hours on end, and she could swim a standard marathon of 10km tomorrow if she wanted to.

But, in order to be able to cope with swimming long distances, Amy had to increase her body size. Here, she talks about the conflict of having an endurance swimmer's body, her battle with body dysmorphia and what makes her feel good about herself.

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Watch more films in our Pretty Athletic series:

Cassie Patten, Olympic open water swimmer

Laura Nesbitt, Ice and endurance swimmer

Rebecca Achieng Ajulu-Bushell, GB Championship swimmer